Equine Meditation
'A life spent amongst horses teaches one many things.'
Denna, our horse whisperer, has immersed herself in an experience that only now, 2000 years into the human-horse relationship, the true horse whisperers themselves are discovering. With busy lives it's easy to fall into a human-doing state of mind. Practicing meditation is a beautiful exercise to clear clutter, blocked energy, and heaviness. Exchanging energy with horses in their sacred space is incredibly instrumental as energy is tangible. While in the presence of the horses, one will notice how we affect each other energetically. We are immersed in nature, centered, balanced, and grounded. Experience the meditation session, and then learn about Heartmath, the science behind the magic. This meditation experience is approximately one to one and a half hours in length. |
The Wonder Of Horses

Pregnant Mare Rescue acknowledges the joy for people to interact and spend time with horses in a quiet, non-threatening, non-riding environment.
Horses have a unique ability to reflect or mirror the human condition or state of being. When they feel your confidence and knowledge, they rest easier knowing you've got this! Did you know that horses can sense a human heartbeat from four feet away? And within four minutes, they synchronize their heartbeat to yours. Minor tasks and questions, such as those listed below, are created to keep the visitor focused and aware while the nuance of learning takes place.
These are skills you will take with you, and if you are with horses, you'll use them over and over again.
• Why do I have to find my quiet place?
• Why are horses' ears so special?
• Do horses have feelings?
• What is body language?
• How do horses know when to feel safe?
While this class is a ton of fun and shares interesting concepts about building relationships and handling a horse, it will teach you to understand what they are telling you.
This program is hosted by Denna Kelley.
Horses have a unique ability to reflect or mirror the human condition or state of being. When they feel your confidence and knowledge, they rest easier knowing you've got this! Did you know that horses can sense a human heartbeat from four feet away? And within four minutes, they synchronize their heartbeat to yours. Minor tasks and questions, such as those listed below, are created to keep the visitor focused and aware while the nuance of learning takes place.
These are skills you will take with you, and if you are with horses, you'll use them over and over again.
• Why do I have to find my quiet place?
• Why are horses' ears so special?
• Do horses have feelings?
• What is body language?
• How do horses know when to feel safe?
While this class is a ton of fun and shares interesting concepts about building relationships and handling a horse, it will teach you to understand what they are telling you.
This program is hosted by Denna Kelley.
Beyond The Saddle
Spending time with horses provides opportunities to check into our body for stress signals, as well as tapping into trapped emotions & energetic blockages. As we observe & interact requesting specific actions of the horse, naturally, challenges occur. We then find opportunity to address the challenges through active listening, compassion & application of potential solutions.
"Somatic Practices with Horses"
- Listening to our inner dialogue to gain better self understanding.
- Mutual Understanding with the horse through self reflection
- Developing Connection through Emotional Cleansing
"Somatic Practices with Horses"
- Movement: Core Grounding
- Walk Among Free Grazing Horses
- Breath Work: Locating Energetic Blocks/Stored Emotions
Introductions to horses (experientially, some horses will approach prior to this step, as they may feel connection to an individual organically) - Self reflection through affirmative conversation.
- Guided Meditation
- Journaling
Leasing the Facility
Host Your Meeting in The Quiet of Nature
Eight private acres and eight sanctuaried equines create a most peaceful location for your workshop or meeting.
General Rules
There us no smoking allowed on the property. We do not offer catering or options for food but outside catering allowed. There is a port-a potty on site, running water, and Wifi access.
Eight private acres and eight sanctuaried equines create a most peaceful location for your workshop or meeting.
- Chairs and tables provided for up to 12 guests.
- Horses are behind internal fence, and may greet you and hang out during your session.
- Additional charge for access to the horses, as supervision by our Equine Manager is required.
- We are a non-riding facility.
- Parking available, easy access.
- Call for pricing 408 540-8568
- Availability Saturday and Sunday 10 am -5pm
General Rules
There us no smoking allowed on the property. We do not offer catering or options for food but outside catering allowed. There is a port-a potty on site, running water, and Wifi access.